“Karen, you are a word wizard. This is great.”
Proposal Assessment & Consulting

Some companies have the time and the resources to write their own RFP proposals but don’t win as many contracts as they think they should or are just getting started and would like some proposal writing guidance.
There are a couple of ways that Nimble Ink can help. One option is for me to perform an assessment of your past proposals. I analyze proposals and associated RFP documents that you submitted but did not win, provide insights about how they could have been stronger, and offer recommendations for future proposals.
Another option is for me to assess a completed proposal before it’s submitted. With this approach, I review the proposal and the associated RFP and provide in-text edits and comments. By being involved in the modification process, companies learn approach techniques for future proposals while simultaneously benefitting from proposal enhancements before submission.
These two approaches can be combined to great effect. Companies can request an assessment of several past proposals, write a proposal using the assessment recommendations, and then have that proposal reviewed / edited by Nimble Ink before submission.
Even when you have the time to do it in-house, technical proposal writing is complex and sometimes confounding. Nimble can show you how to craft technical proposals that win.
Contact me, and let’s talk about how I can help.